GSMA Summit

5G Summit: Accelerating 5G adoption in Africa


Wed, 30 Oct
14:00 - 17:00 CAT


Ministerial Stage

Session Speakers

Session Description

5G momentum continues to build in Africa, with nearly 40 commercial networks in 20 countries as of June 2024. As many as 15 more networks could go live by the end of 2024, taking 5G coverage to around a tenth of the region’s population. The 5G market in Africa benefits from access to suitable spectrum in a growing number of countries and the latent demand for enhanced connectivity services, which can be unlocked by 5G networks.  

However, 5G adoption remains sluggish in many countries where the technology is now available. For the entire region, 5G as a percentage of total mobile connections will only reach 2% by the end of 2024, compared to the global average of nearly 25%. There are several barriers to 5G uptake among consumers and enterprise in Africa, including limited access to affordable 5G devices, sufficient use cases, and limited network coverage.  

The 5G summit at MWC Kigali 2024 - the third in the series - will provide a platform for stakeholders to exchange ideas on how tackle the main barriers to adoption and, by extension, improve the 5G business case for operators and realise the societal benefits of the technology. The summit will bring together leaders from government, the mobile industry and adjacent verticals to find common grounds on policy and economic enablers for 5G adoption in Africa.   


The summit will run over three 1-hour sessions, with each session featuring insightful keynotes and panel discussions. The agenda below outlines the format, topics and prospective speakers.  

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