Founding Partner: ZTE
In a few words why are you sponsoring MWC Kigali?
As the founding partner, we share the same vision as the GSMA to make MWC Kigali the biggest and the most influential ICT event in Africa.
What technology do you think will have the greatest impact in Africa in the next 5 years?
5G, Cloud based digital transformation, full optical broadband, AI powered intelligent O&M and carbon free solutions.
What problem are you currently solving in the connectivity sphere?
Rural connectivity, 4G network speed and capacity improvement, and exploring applications in vertical and private section to boost 5G development.
Who are you looking forward to meeting at MWC Kigali?
All old and new friends with the same objective to create a fully connected Africa.
FinTech Theme Supporting Sponsor: AfricaNenda
In a few words why are you sponsoring MWC Kigali?
We are leveraging the platform to launch the State of Instant and Inclusive Payment Systems (SIIPS - Africa) 2022 report.
What technology do you think will have the greatest impact in Africa in the next 5 years?
Open API, Cloud computing and 5G rollout.
What problem are you currently solving in the connectivity sphere?
Access to inclusive digital payment infrastructure, open systems, interoperability and interconnectivity of digital payment systems.
Who are you looking forward to meeting at MWC Kigali?
Digital payments experts, Fintech leaders, central bankers, policy makers, digital finance service providers, financial inclusion advocates and enablers in the digital finance ecosystem.

Headline Sponsor: Evina
What topic will you be speaking on?
Defeating cybercrime to win the race for FinTech leadership
Why is the topic you’re speaking on so important right now
Telecommunication companies are now more than ever looking to gain a significant share of the digital economy and increase their profitability. At the same time, and for too long, these operators have been sidelining a particularly profitable business where they possess all the advantages: fintech. - Why telecom operators can become the most prominent fintech players on the planet. - How protected operators have been able to reconcile hyper-growth and security, reopen their markets and take full advantage of the power of one-click payments. - Why security is the most crucial battleground to seize this unique opportunity.
What technology do you think will have greatest impact globally in next 5 years?
Without a doubt, the payments offered by telecom operators. Mobile money and carrier billing can meet all the needs covered by traditional payment methods and deliver much more. These payment methods are superior due to their incomparable speed of installation and payment, natural network effects and level of security when protected by a cybersecurity solution adapted to the highest security standards. These technologies are disruptive and capable of meeting the immense needs caused by the under-banking that affects a large part of the world's population.
In your opinion, what is a critical conversation the technology community should be having right now?
How to move from the current cybersecurity model, where cybersecurity is used as an audit after security incidents, to the ideal model where cybersecurity acts proactively and becomes the core of business strategies and an ally for growth.

Supporting Sponsor: Qualcomm Incorporated
What topic will you be speaking on?
Contributing to "Make in Africa" (spurring innovation with AI/5G/Robotics technologies among startups)
Why is the topic you’re speaking on so important right now
Grassroots innovators (startups) are nimble and take higher risks in identifying solutions to regionally relevant problems and novel use cases. Working with them is the key to jumpstarting local talent development, capital and entrepreneurship.
What technology do you think will have greatest impact globally in next 5 years?
We are now in a world where different technology areas are individually evolving and mutually reinforcing: 5G, edge-AI, Robotics/Drones, low-power IoT, and inter-system interfaces are all co-evolving synergistically to impact the Industry 4.0 and Consumer 4.0 world in unimaginable ways.
In your opinion, what is a critical conversation the technology community should be having right now?
Technology is a powerful tool for ensuring democratized access to information, access to education, access to commerce, healthcare. Deploying powerful technology in scale, makes devices and services affordable - how do we do this for the Global South?

Founding Partner: Mastercard
In a few words, why are you sponsoring the event?
As a founding partner of the MWC Kigali, our participation at this event provides us with an opportunity to engage with our partners across the fintech, telecommunication, banking and government sectors. We are proud to showcase our solutions and technology that enable the connection of millions of people from underserved communities to the financial and digital economy across the world, and the wider Africa continent. At the event, we will also be releasing an insightful whitepaper on the fintech economy. Through this, we hope to engage with relevant stakeholders regarding the current state of the fintech economy in Africa.
What technology do you think will have greatest impact in your region in next 5 years?
Africa is the world’s largest adopter of mobile money, comprising nearly half of the globe’s registered mobile money accounts with 621 million wallets (up 17% from 2020), accounting for 70% of the world’s $1 trillion mobile money value. This means Africa is receptive to digital payments and there is an opportunity for Mastercard to complement this technology.
The mobile money revolution is well underway – transforming payment solutions in an ecosystem that is dynamic and rapidly evolving. Millions of consumers throughout Africa are without any access to formal banking products, but they do have a phone, data and a need to transact.
While digital payments have grown over the past few years alongside the region’s increased internet and smartphone penetration, the pandemic has also put the spotlight firmly on touchless experiences, contactless transactions, ecommerce, and mobile money solutions.
Focusing on smartphone penetration, what is evident is that unprecedented innovations are coming out at unprecedented speed.
People are looking for services and technologies with more intelligence that do more for them.
People want real-time connectivity, more choices, digitized services -- all with privacy and security-built in.
Focusing on the now and the future, this year specifically, our business has been doubling down on our work in blockchain, the metaverse, biometric payments and AI analytics.
Regarding crypto, our role is to enable choice by bringing simplicity and safety to the crypto economy. That may be through crypto card programs where people can instantly convert their crypto to pay at merchants who accept Mastercard, by making it easier for people to buy NFTs, or by helping crypto wallets and exchanges perform identity and fraud checks and understand their risk.
Who are you looking forward to meeting and speaking about at the event?
Telcos, fintech companies, governments, technology companies and startups. These are people we provide solutions to and hold us accountable to our commitment of connecting one billion people into the financial and digital economy by 2025. Not forgetting our partners, who through their collaborative efforts, help bring us closer to this goal, therefore turning it into reality.

Founding Partner: MTN
In a few words why are you sponsoring MWC Kigali?
As the founding partner of MWC Kigali, MTN sees value in partnering with GSMA in changing the digitization landscape on the continent. This platform allows us to showcase our technology leadership, drive industry conversation and network with customers.
What technology do you think will have the greatest impact in Africa in the next 5 years?
Fast tracking the adoption of 5G to make sure customers enjoy high speed network performance at low latency bandwidth, unpacking the full benefits of AI technology, rural connectivity, and the roll out of platform-based solutions that ensure financial inclusion
What problem are you currently solving in the connectivity sphere?
Bridging the digital divide through the rapid deployment of rural connectivity, 4G and 5G adoption in our markets of operation, capacity improvement and investing in R&D to ensure sustainable economic growth while conducting eco-responsible business.
Who are you looking forward to meeting at MWC Kigali?
Our ecosystem partners, stakeholders, industry players and customers.