About the new Ministerial Programme in Kigali
The GSMA is hosting the first edition of the Ministerial Programme at MWC Kigali, marking a new chapter in our commitment to advancing the digital agenda in Africa.
The three-day conference will provide a unique experience to attendees showcasing policy and regulatory topics pertinent to the region, such as Artificial Intelligence, accelerating the digitalization of African economies, new digital infrastructure investment frameworks, and regulating in the digital age, among others.
The event is by invitation only, with official invitations distributed by the GSMA starting in June (see attendance criteria below).
Follow @GSMAPolicy and #MWC24MP for updates.
Attendance criteria
- National ministries including telecommunications, digital agenda, finance, gender and health
- Telecommunications regulatory authorities, data protection authorities, identity authorities and central banks
- Senior leadership from selected city governments
- Senior representatives from selected international organisations and intergovernmental bodies
- C-level and senior regulatory representatives from the mobile industry
Invitations to ministers, heads of regulatory authorities and senior representatives from inter-governmental bodies from across the region will be sent from June.
The GSMA Policy work in Africa
The GSMA Sub-Saharan Africa policy team actively engages with policymakers and regulators to advance policy discourse, contribute to market research and convey the perspectives of the mobile industry across the range of issues that surround the digital economy and society.
The team leading the work in various markets within Sub Saharan Africa comprises of: Caroline Mbugua (HSC), Kamal Tamawa, Philippe Goabga (West Africa),Nomonde Gongxeka-Seopa (Southern Africa), Linus Melly (East Africa).